Повик за учесници на обука за нови ЦЕФЕ обучувачи

ЦЕФЕ Македонија, со своите партнери ЦЕФЕ Интернационал – Германија, ЦЕФЕ Нет Филипини, Платформа Ауреа – Чиле и Бизнис Ворк Лмтд – Јамајка, ве покануваат да се пријавите на неповторливата обука за креирање на обучувачи кои ќе ја користат ЦЕФЕ Методологијата во реализацијата на обуки за претприемништво.

Бидејќи обуката и сите натамошни комуникации во овој проект ќе бидат на англиски јазик ви ја пренесуваме информацијата во целост на англиски.

Training of Trainers – Global Exchange and Training for Youth Employment Services

18 September – 2 October 2016 | Ohrid Lake, Macedonia

The training is about creating competent trainers and leaders to be licensed entrepreneurship trainers who will use the best practice entrepreneurship training Methodology – Competency based Economies thorough Formation of Entrepreneurs (CEFE).

Do you know what butterflies are? New perfected model of caterpillars! What we guarantee on this training is your personal metamorphosis in entrepreneur and trainer.

How do we know this? Each of us personally has been through this metamorphosis. If you don’t show it, you don’t know it!

The “ToT GET YES (Training of Trainers – Global Exchange and Training for Youth Employment Services)” taps the strong societal need for building enterprising societies across the world which will enable young people to realize their ideas and professional plans.

What is CEFE? It is a methodology that stands for Competency based Economies, Formation of Enterprise and is a comprehensive set of training instruments using action-oriented and experiential learning methods to develop and enhance the business management and personal competences of a wide range of target groups, mostly in the context of income and employment generating and economic growth.

Who should attend? This training is not for tourists. We are going to work! It’s for people who are serious in their goals and careers to become training professionals. Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers, Entrepreneurs, Facilitators, and Employees in agencies for supporting entrepreneurship from: Macedonia, Germany, Chile, Philippines and Jamaica.

What will you benefit?

– Increased competence in state of the art of CEFE methodology application;

– Enhance familiarity with methodology recent tools and exercises;

– Programs for entrepreneurship training (lean start up, social entrepreneurship, innovations, business skills…)

– Opportunity to work as a trainer in realizing pilot training in the “global KA2 project “GET YES”

– Observation and certification of participants for becoming licensed CEFE trainers who will be able to work nationally and internationally (only after successful performance);

– Strengthen the capacities of organizations in the process of taking actions for empowering young people in their country, raising their capacity to deliver entrepreneurship training, generating of revenue and open the door for new international collaborations on similar topics;

– Strengthening the CEFE network organizations through the world;

– Build common ideas and projects for multiplying events.

Working language(s): English

Costs: Board, lodging, travel costs and all materials will be covered by the organizer for participants from Macedonia, Germany, Chile, Jamaica and Philippines.

As each business entity needs an initial investment to be established, every participant will invest 300 euro as participation fee on the spot as a self-investment that could bring income to you and your organization.

Application and confirmation

To apply for the training you need to:

  1. Fill one of the proposed application forms: The online application form on SALTO YOUTH web page OR if you don’t have a SALTO account please proceed to the offline application form
  2. Send your CV on e.stojanovska@cefe.mk; info@cefe.mk

Application deadline: 21.08.2016

You will be informed about the selection result on: 26.08.2016

We will select four participants from each eligible country (Macedonia, Germany, Chile, Jamaica and Philippines).

Organizer: CEFE Macedonia (www.cefe.mk)

Co-Organizers: CEFE International GmbH, Germany http://www.cefe.net/ Business Works Limited, Jamaica http://businessdon.weebly.com/ Plataforma Áurea, Chilehttp://plataformaaurea.cl/ Philippine CEFE Network Foundation, Philippines http://www.passionforperfection.net/

Contact for questions:

Mrs. Elena Stojanovska, E-Mail: e.stojanovska@cefe.mk

Mrs. Elena Gagaceva – Phone: +389 75 257 075; E-Mail: elena.g@cefe.mk


The training is part of the project “Global Exchange and Training for Youth Employment Services”,Co-funded by European Union Erasmus + Program www.getyesproject.com

Implementer: CEFE Macedonia

Partners: CEFE International GmbH, Germany; Business Works Limited, Jamaica; Plataforma Áurea, Chile; Philippine CEFE Network Foundation, Philippines.

Main goal of the project is to foster cooperation, exchanges, upgrade and roll out of good practices between the participating organizations specialized in employment generation, thus enhancing their capacities for reduction of youth unemployment, professionalization of youth workers and support of entrepreneurship.

YOU – as a participant will be part of the future TASKFORCE of the project. You will be trained according to the newly developed training modules, tools, resource materials and methods for youth employment.

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